"Subtext" by Carrie Fucile; Photographed by Sarada Conaway

“Subtext” by Carrie Fucile; Photographed by Sarada Conaway

"Sticky Fingers", by Lauren Boilini. Photographed by Kim Llerena

“Sticky Fingers”, by Lauren Boilini. Photographed by Kim Llerena

Call for Proposals:
School 33 Project Space
Application Deadline: Monday, February 9, 2015
Notification Date: Monday, February 16, 2015

School 33 Art Center is now accepting proposals for the next two exhibitions in our 165 sq ft Project Space. Exhibitions will be approximately two months long and correspond with the exhibition dates of the Main Gallery and Members Gallery from April through August of 2015.

Applicants are encouraged, but not required to apply for School 33 Art Center membership. To join School 33 or renew your membership, please visit http://school33.org/index.cfm?page=support or call 443-263-4350.

With the Project Space, School 33 Art Center is committed to providing opportunities for emerging artists to present intimate bodies of work or realize more experimental installations that they may not otherwise have the support in doing. We are open to video projections, installations, mini-exhibitions, or any other ideas for which this would be an ideal space.

Please visit the following link for the official call, where you will find the application, or visit www.school33.org


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