As developments unfold with events in Baltimore, we will attempt to catalog efforts of visual artists, musicians and all creative artists of our city (along with various arts organizations) to respond to what is happening and provide opportunities for people to think on what is happening and find a voice. Please share any other upcoming events in the comments, thank you.
(via Bryan Robinson/Instagram) #thebaltimorevisualartistcharge I charge all visual artist of Baltimore to meet me at Penn North Friday at 4:30pm with easel and blank canvas to create a load message with your brushes. Speak with our art in the fight to get this city we love back into our grasp and illustrate the justice this city, state and world needs during these times…#baltimoreartist #bmoreart please share and let’s create a voice that has many colors! #baltimore#ilovebaltimore (((meeting on Penn Ave for artist..easel and canvas for peace))) #easelsandcanvasforpeace #theblackgeniusartshow #brobinson#baltimorefilmmakers #baltimorevideographers #theloveproject SHARE WITH ALL ARTIST. If anyone can help in anyway reach out.