



Surdna Foundation Accepting Proposals for Artist-Led Social Change Projects

The Surdna Foundation is accepting proposals through its Artists Engaging in Social Change funding area for one- or two-year support for extraordinary artist-driven projects.

Grants of up to $150,000 over two years will be awarded in support of compelling artists projects developed in response to specific challenges in their communities, as well as projects by artists whose work over the long term has increased social engagement without necessarily being explicitly defined as “activist.”  All artistic disciplines will be considered, including cross-disciplinary work. The funds are designated for one-time project support and cannot support organizations’ ongoing programs, operations, capital, or endowments, although up to 15 percent administrative overhead is allowed.

To be eligible, projects must be artist-led and demonstrate a deep commitment to a community, as demonstrated by the process through which the work is developed and the theme or themes on which it is focused. Applicants can be at any stage of their careers but must have a track record of developed work that demonstrates their capacity to complete the proposed project and to manage the level of funds requested. Both 501(c)(3) organizations and individual artists are eligible to apply, but artists and collectives that are not incorporated as 501(c)(3)s must apply under a fiscal sponsor.

Visit the Surdna Foundation for complete program guidelines, an FAQ, and application instructions.

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