The Baltimore Arts & Entertainment Billboard is a one of a kind board that blends advertising with artwork, substantially enriching the commute of the audience with consciousness and culture. For every 2-3 ads display a piece of art is displayed. This will happen every hour, all day, year round.
Expressions of all mediums will be supplied by artists and students, working in conjunction with The Baltimore Office of Promotions and Arts, as well as other mindful organizations, to curate the work that appears on the board. The art board was unveiled at Artscape 2014 on Friday July 18th at around 8:45pm in front of the Metro Gallery. The board is the only one of it’s kind in the USA and a great landmark attraction for the City of Baltimore.
This board is not only an incredible advertising platform, but is a magnificent opportunity for creatives to engage, inspire, and positively influence the world in which they pull their imagination from around them