Herbert Bearman Gallery at the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Meyers Museum, Curator: Marsha Reeves Jews


Can you tell us a little bit about the work that you do in your studio?


The Herbert Bearman Gallery at the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Meyers Museum is a lovely venue on the third floor of the museum overlooking the Baltimore Harbor. Currently we are featuring the exhibition “Fresh Air”, New works by Greg Fletcher and Leslie Schwing.


What drew you to the medium(s) that you are currently working with?


This husband and wife artist team paint Baltimore City from a fresh and intriguing perspective. They focus on the hidden, the obscure and often ignored places revealing a sense of magic and wonder. From the spiritual to the humorous one is always surprised when looking at their work.


What is something that you think is unique about your studio or practice?


Fletcher and Schwing go out daily to find their subjects. They begin their paintings at the site, often spending hours amidst rubble and decay, as if on an art picnic of their own, with their dog Pablo Picasso in tow. They then return to their separate studios and weave the works into final form which display distinctly different visions. They have been working this way together for over 20 years.
What is one thing you love about being an artist in Baltimore?


Baltimore is so full of talent and vision. We at the Herbert Bearman Gallery feel fortunate to be able to share the works of these artists with our visitors.
What are you most excited about for this year’s Open Studio Tour?


This is our first year opening to the School 33 Tour. We look forward to seeing you all.


The Herbert Bearman Gallery at the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Meyers Museum will be open on Sunday, October 9 from 12pm-6pm, located at 1417 Thames Street!

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